Jason Fry's "Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition" serves as a compelling companion piece to the film, diving deeper into the events surrounding Rey,...
Elizabeth Wein's "Cobalt Squadron," set between "The Last Jedi" and "The Rise of Skywalker," offers a thrilling deep dive into the Resistance's struggle for survival. Weaving a story around a group of y...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire" offers a captivating glimpse into the bustling world of Batuu, the heart of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland and Disney World. This novel...
Alan Dean Foster's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is a novelization of the 2015 blockbuster film, bridging the gap between the classic trilogy and the new generation of heroes. It ex...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Phasma" delves into the life of Captain Phasma, the imposing chrome-clad First Order officer who captivated audiences with her silent menace in the sequel trilogy. Whi...
Kevin Shinick's "Force Collector" throws readers into a Star Wars story brimming with intriguing mysteries and action-packed sequences. Following the enigmatic Force-sensitive figure known...
Claudia Gray's Bloodline plunges into the political landscape of the Star Wars galaxy decades before The Force Awakens, focusing on Leia Organa?s struggle against a rising tide of extremism. While the bo...
Adam Christopher's "Shadow of the Sith" throws readers into a thrilling adventure set shortly after the Clone Wars, offering a fresh perspective on the tumultuous times between Order 66...
Alex Segura's "Poe Dameron: Free Fall" plunges readers headfirst into the heart of the Resistance's desperate struggle against the First Order. The story follows Poe Dameron, beloved pilot...
Daniel Jos? Older's "Last Shot" is a thrilling, action-packed Star Wars novel set between Episodes VI and VII. It follows the paths of two main characters: Qi?ra, the cunning smuggler wi...
Chuck Wendig?s "Aftermath: Empire's End" is a compelling, if uneven, conclusion to the "Aftermath" trilogy. Set immediately after the events of "Return of the Jedi...
Alexander Freed's "Victory's Price," the fifth installment in the popular Star Wars: Aftermath series, dives headfirst into the turbulent early years of the New Republic. Set immediately after the events of "Leia, Prince...