Timothy Zahn's "Outbound Flight," set a full decade before the events of "A New Hope," offers a fresh perspective on the burgeoning galactic empire. The story follows Captain Jav...
David Sherman's "Jedi Trial" plunges us into the heart of Jedi training during the High Republic era, a period brimming with hope and optimism within the galaxy. The story follows a young Pada...
Joe Schreiber's "Darth Maul: Lockdown" throws readers into a claustrophobic battleground where the ruthless Sith Lord finds himself incarcerated on a desolate prison moon. While trappe...
James Luceno's "Darth Maul: Saboteur" plunges us back into the Star Wars universe, this time focusing on the embittered Sith Lord Darth Maul in the years following his dramatic defeat at the...
Ryder Windham's "The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader" delves into the tumultuous life of one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Anakin Skywalker's transformation into the dark lo...
A.C. Crispin's The Paradise Snare plunges into a captivating tale of espionage, betrayal, and forbidden love within the context of the escalating Galactic Civil War. While it deviates from the S...
A.C. Crispin's Rebel Dawn plunges readers into the heart of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, chronicling the early stages of their fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire. It’s a thrilling story that captu...
Ryder Windham's "The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi" delves into the formative years and iconic journey of one of Star Wars' most beloved characters. While not a traditional chr...
Ryder Windham's "The Wrath of Darth Maul" plunges readers back into the shadowy depths of the Star Wars universe, exploring a pivotal period in Darth Maul's life following his apparent demise at...
James Luceno’s Darth Plagueis plunges readers into the heart of galactic darkness, offering a glimpse into the shadowy world of Sith lore and the enigmatic figure who predates even Darth Sidious....